It Was Dawn That Day

It was dawn that day
I picked you up at the train station
That night before was like a best night ever
Damn nicely was being quite nervous

It was raining right in the moment you arrived at the train station
You sounded a little bit worry about me on that phone, I loved it.
I ran to you
You looked beautiful as always
With that angelish smile on your face

A cup of coffe
A cup of milk
A couple of black and white
Rainy day, please do not stop!

I felt very happy as if I had a date, romantic date
We were sitting very closely in front of the gate
Was the sky being friendly to me (us)?

Time goes by
A lot things I tried, just to get close to you

I took you to a friend’s wedding
With new shirt that I just bought in that morning
You said you like my shirt
In silence I was saying I like you (Aku suka kamu mbak.. J)

Suddenly I felt sad
Wondering that day was the last day I had
Last beautiful moments together with you
It seemed like I could not find any reason to meet you anymore

But mother nature, grand mother universe
They knocked on Heaven’s door
Begging God to give me (us) time
I humbly took that chance

I feel grateful for God blessing me by sending  you to me

As time goes by
You became mine
I became yours

As time goes by
Every day is not always a beautiful day
Every day is not always a happy friendly day
There are sometimes hard days

Oh my love,
I feel sorry for dragging you down so much times
I feel sorry for each times I let you down
I feel sorry for too much sorry I said to you

My Dear,
We have hard roads coming up
We have storms to fight
And I will never leave you
I love you even in a very worst condition

I love you!


Kiranya begitulah jatuh cintanya padaku, pun aku padanya. Kami beda dalam semua, kecuali dalam cinta. Keyakinanku hanya satu, keajaiban itu nyata. Dia dan aku adalah satu.


Di suatu sore di sebuah kedai makanan cepat saji, kami berbincang panjang lebar. Dia bercerita konsep ketuhanan tiga-menjadi-satu atau satu-menjadi-tiga atau tiga-yang-satu, entahlah aku sedikit bingung tapi aku mengiyakan. Aku juga bercerita tentang konsep ketuhananku yang sederhana. Tuhan yg tunggal, yg tidak menjadi dua atau tiga atau berapapun. Tuhan yang tidak beranak atau diperanakkan. Tuhan yg berbeda dg makhluk ciptaan-Nya. Dan Tuhan yang dekat bahkan lebih dekat dengan urat nadi kita.

Saat itu, ada satu hal yang kurasa, I am sure he is the one. I am sure, he is my forever. Begitulah cinta. Kami pernah saling menyakiti, kami pernah saling tidak setia, tapi kami tidak punya daya upaya untuk saling ucap selamat tinggal.

Tiada banyak yg bisa kami lakukan, selain berusaha untuk selalu-saling. Selalu saling menguatkan, selalu saling mendoakan, selalu saling mencintai. Sementara orang mencibir, memberikan nasehat, dan diakhir mereka bilang "Menasehati orang yg sedang jatuh cinta, seperti bicara dg keledai", sembari bejalan pergi. Dan kami, hanya bisa begini. Menggantungkan nasib pada doa. Berharap Tuhan berbelas asih pada kami.

Tuhan Maha Asyik, membuatku jatuh cinta tibatiba, membuatnya tibatiba jatuh cinta, membuat kami selalu-saling dalam satu cinta. Amin.


ditulis oleh I.K


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